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Happy New Year: Let's make 2018 the Year that turned the book of your life, into a best seller

Happy New year!!

May the year ahead be the start of many more years that are overflowing with joy, peace, love, support, happiness, health, Self-Care, obtained goals, open doors, and wealth. ___ I've spent yesterday doing lots of preparation for the year ahead, from writing up my personal and family goals (I usually stick to two main goals, and then note things I will maintain), to drawing up a Family Tree of patterns, personalities, and outcomes (know thyself and who you have come from - it's a powerful way of actually seeing the cycles and fine tuning yourself to build on your ancestral and epigenetic sources). If you are unsure of what epigenetics is, it is basically the study of our genes and inherited DNA, and the process of understanding how it has shaped us (our stress reactions, predisposition to certain illnesses, our hair colour, etc), and how to switch some of these off or on. Here is a basic explanation - Here's a basic explanation of what epigenetics is - __ If your goal is financial for 2018, get to work today by downloading some templates to begin actively using. A free website that has great templates is It has templates that assist you in planning your household budget , your income and expenditures, your pension goal calculation and monthly savings plan, and lots more. Also, commit to learning about investments and trading - either do a course (short courses can be found in a basic Google search, as well as contacting Financial Companies and offering to intern for a set period), and/or get a Mentor who can proactively support you in learning. Financial education is paramount! If your goal is love related, start by finding out your 'unfinished business' - the unconscious things you are bringing into the relationship, and seeking from a partner, positive AND negative. A great resource to find this is by completing an exercise called 'Imago' and/or understanding what your Core sentence is (persistent worry, complaint, issue, and its root) with a family tree. 

If you are interested in finding out more about creating them, or want to book a session to begin understanding some of issues that are blocking you, feel free to email me at, or visit the home page on my website to book a free call back. Likewise, if your goal is health related, start by identifying exactly what you want to achieve, how you are going to do it (SMART Goals), when you want to achieve it (with scheduled reviews), and why you want to achieve it. Then either get yourself a Health Coach, running partner, gym buddy, mentor, or friend/family member who will hold you accountable, and start. Let me know if you need any Nutritional advice, or just want some moral support through scheduled check-ins and goal mapping. ___ Whatever you do, make 2018 the Year that changes the book of your life into a best seller! From Novena-Chanel, The Equilibrium Coach® - The Goal Architect to Mind, Body, Spirit, Life Balance™ 

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