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"It's not that diabetes runs in your family, it's that no one runs in your family.&quot

5am workouts with my Mum 💪🏾. Yep, I am half asleep 😄. I read a meme that said, "It's not that diabetes runs in your family, it's that no one runs in your family." As harsh as that sounds, and sour as it is to digest, there is an element of truth within it. Although research shows that genetics does play a role in inherited health conditions and obesity, especially in disorders such as Bardet-Biedl syndrome and Prader-Wili syndrome, our lifestyle and attitude to health and fitness is a large factor too. How do you view health? Is food about enjoyment, comfort, nutrition, or punishment and reward? What do your family bond through? Some use healthy things such as a love of music, travel, personal development, hobbies, sports, etc, and some may have been taught to use other vices such as conflict, gossip, competition, favouritism, food, or playing the helper role. Whatever you do today, let your health, wellbeing and joy be at the forefront. If you want to start your health and fitness journey with me, visit my website at for a tailored nutrition plan, one-to-one Yoga and fitness sessions, and Life Coaching. With that said, I am wishing you a blessed and productive day ahead; one that truly exceeds all expectations. From Novena-Chanel, The Equilibrium Coach - The Goal Architect to Mind, Body, Spirit, Life Balance® - / #YogaTeacher #fitness #gymtime #GymTimeCup #EquilibriumCups #EquilibriumCup #TheEquilibriumCoach #healthyliving #familytime #novenachanel #success #successmindset #positivity #selfcare #selflove #recharge #thegoalarchitect #thegoalarchitects #goals 

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